The summer here is not the summer we expected to have (hot and really dry). Lately we have had temperatures that are just above 20 degrees and we often have rain. So just like in Holland, only here you either have no rain or so much rain that it falls from the sky like you empty a big pool all at once. The water drains from our house to the draining holes at the side of the street often cannot handle all the water and the water bubbles up in our front lawn. And during the heavy rain this evening, again together with a big thunderstorm, even our terrace at the back of the house was under water. Daan’s water track, that was outside, even floated away and the water starting running into the garage. So it is either very dry here of very wet. But it is good for the dam levels because we still have water restrictions here, which means that you have to be very careful with using the water. You can only water your garden on Wednesday and Sunday and only before 10 am or after 4 pm. And you can only wash your car with a bucket of water and not spray it with a hose. Because of all that rain the dam levels are getting better. First the average of the water levels was 38% and now it is over 65%. And they say that we will have lots of rain in the next two months. A bit of a bummer for us, but good for the dam levels. Maybe the water restrictions will get less strict.