25 februari 2008
24 februari 2008
Lekker spelen in het zwembadje / Playing in the little swimming pool
Het weer is gelukkig de laatste dagen weer een stuk beter geworden. Vrijdag was het echt heel erg warm en vandaag was het ook erg lekker. Tijd dus weer om het zwembadje neer te zetten zodat Fleur en Daan weer fijn kunnen afkoelen. Ze hebben weer heel erg veel lol gehad in het water en het is echt heerlijk om af te koelen. Zelfs Erik trok gelijk zijn zwembroek aan toen hij vrijdag na het werken thuis kwam. Alleen met Erik erbij is zo’n klein zwembadje wel heel snel vol. Gelukkig dat Fleur en Daan het alleen maar erg leuk vonden dat papa ook in het zwembadje kwam. En ze zijn allemaal lekker afgekoeld.
Luckily the weather is a lot better the last days. Friday it was really warm and today it was also very nice. So, time to get the little swimming pool out of the garage again so Fleur and Daan can cool off a little bit. They really had a lot of fun in the water and it is nice for cooling off. Even Erik put on his swim shorts on Friday when he came home from work. Only with Erik in the pool the little pool is quit crowded. Luckily Fleur and Daan loved daddy being in the pool with them. And they all got a chance to cool off.
Luckily the weather is a lot better the last days. Friday it was really warm and today it was also very nice. So, time to get the little swimming pool out of the garage again so Fleur and Daan can cool off a little bit. They really had a lot of fun in the water and it is nice for cooling off. Even Erik put on his swim shorts on Friday when he came home from work. Only with Erik in the pool the little pool is quit crowded. Luckily Fleur and Daan loved daddy being in the pool with them. And they all got a chance to cool off.
22 februari 2008
Het Nationale Volkslied / The National Anthem
Tijdens elke assembly wordt ook het Nationale Volkslied en het schoollied gezongen. Dat is dus wel een beetje anders dan in Nederland. Om jullie een beetje een idee te geven van wat de kids hier dus moeten leren, hier de tekst van het Nationale Volklied (ze zingen alleen het eerste en derde couplet).
During each assembly they sing the National Anthem and the school song. That is really different from school in Holland. To give you all an idea of what the kids here have to learn, I added the text of the National Anthem (they only sing the first and third verse).
Advance Australia Fair
Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free;
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil,
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in Nature’s gifts
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history’s page, let every stage
Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We’ll toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who’ve come across the seas
We’ve boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
During each assembly they sing the National Anthem and the school song. That is really different from school in Holland. To give you all an idea of what the kids here have to learn, I added the text of the National Anthem (they only sing the first and third verse).
Advance Australia Fair
Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free;
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil,
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in Nature’s gifts
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history’s page, let every stage
Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We’ll toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who’ve come across the seas
We’ve boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
Eerste assembly Fleur dit jaar / First assembly Fleur this year
De eerste assembly met de kleuters, year 1 en year 2 is vandaag. En de klas van Fleur doet de presentatie. Ook Fleur krijgt op maandag een briefje mee zodat de tekst die voorgelezen moet worden, thuis kan worden geoefend. Daan en ik gaan natuurlijk kijken en nemen de camera mee zodat we foto’s kunnen maken en een stukje kunnen filmen. Fleur haar zinnetjes gaan heel erg goed en ze vindt het ook erg leuk en een beetje spannend om te doen. Tot onze grote verbazing krijgt Fleur deze week ook nog twee awards. De eerste award is een Blue (Merit) Award omdat ze goed haar best had gedaan met Meetoefeningen. De tweede award die ze kreeg was een nieuwe award. Het is een Sports Award die ze kreeg omdat ze die week heel erg goed haar best had gedaan met sport. Sport is hier heel erg belangrijk en ze hebben in ieder geval allemaal één dag in de week veel sport. En soms gaan ze ook elke morgen eerst een warming up doen en daarna een aantal rondjes hardlopen. Heel goed en gezond allemaal. Fleur had het deze week dus heel goed gedaan. We zijn weer heel erg trots op haar omdat ze nu al twee awards heeft gehad. Knap hoor!
The first assembly with kindergarten, year 1 and year 2 is today. Fleur’s class is doing the hosting of the assembly. Fleur also takes home a note so she can practice the lines she has to read. Daan and I are going to the assembly as well and we bring our camera so we can make pictures and record Fleur speaking. Fleur’s sentences go really well and she enjoys doing that but it is also a little bit scary. We are amazed when Fleur is also getting two awards. The first award is a Blue (Merit) award which she gets for applying herself well during Measurements. The second award is a new award. It is a Sports Award that she gets for doing well in sports that week. Sport is really important here and the kids all have at least one day a week with lots of sport things. And sometimes they also do a warming up in the morning and do some running after that. All those things are very good and healthy for the kids. And Fleur did really well this week. Again we are proud of her because she now has already two awards. Good job!
The first assembly with kindergarten, year 1 and year 2 is today. Fleur’s class is doing the hosting of the assembly. Fleur also takes home a note so she can practice the lines she has to read. Daan and I are going to the assembly as well and we bring our camera so we can make pictures and record Fleur speaking. Fleur’s sentences go really well and she enjoys doing that but it is also a little bit scary. We are amazed when Fleur is also getting two awards. The first award is a Blue (Merit) award which she gets for applying herself well during Measurements. The second award is a new award. It is a Sports Award that she gets for doing well in sports that week. Sport is really important here and the kids all have at least one day a week with lots of sport things. And sometimes they also do a warming up in the morning and do some running after that. All those things are very good and healthy for the kids. And Fleur did really well this week. Again we are proud of her because she now has already two awards. Good job!
20 februari 2008
Talia komt bij ons spelen en eten / Talia comes over to play and have dinner
Nicole, de moeder van Talia, heeft vandaag een cursus in Sydney. Daarom komt Talia na school met ons mee naar huis. Fleur en Talia gaan lekker buiten spelen in de tuin (in het huisje) en binnen met al het speelgoed dat er te vinden is in huis. Ze hebben erg veel plezier en zelfs Daan mag af en toe meespelen. Omdat Talia ook blijft eten, maak ik vandaag lasagne want dat vindt iedereen lekker. Er wordt gelukkig ook goed gegeten. Niet zo lang na het eten komt Nicole Talia weer ophalen. De meiden hebben het erg gezellig gehad vandaag.
Nicole, Talia’s mum, is going on a training in Sydney today. Therefore Talia is coming home with us after school. Fleur and Talia are going to play outside in the garden (in the play house) and inside with all the toys they can find in our house. They are having lots of fun and even Daan can join once in a while. Because Talia also stays for dinner, I am making lasagna because everybody will like that. Fortunately they all eat really well. After dinner Nicole is picking up Talia again. The girls had lots of fun today.
Nicole, Talia’s mum, is going on a training in Sydney today. Therefore Talia is coming home with us after school. Fleur and Talia are going to play outside in the garden (in the play house) and inside with all the toys they can find in our house. They are having lots of fun and even Daan can join once in a while. Because Talia also stays for dinner, I am making lasagna because everybody will like that. Fortunately they all eat really well. After dinner Nicole is picking up Talia again. The girls had lots of fun today.
17 februari 2008
Garage opruimen en het speelhuisje neerzetten / Cleaning up the garage and putting the play house together
Het wordt echt tijd dat we het speelhuisje van Fleur en Daan in elkaar zetten. We wonen hier nu inmiddels vier maanden en het staat nog steeds uit elkaar in de garage. Dus Erik gaat dat doen en ik ga de garage een beetje opruimen. Ondanks dat we er pas vier maanden wonen is de garage toch al een rommeltje geworden. Tijd om even op te ruimen dus. Het huisje staat aardig snel in elkaar en na een middagje rommelen, ziet ook de garage er weer heel netjes uit. Nu kunnen Fleur en Daan tenminste in het huisje spelen en ze kunnen ook weer veel beter bij al hun eigen speelgoed.
We really need to reassemble Fleur and Daan’s play house. We are living here for four months already and it is still not assembled. So Erik will do that and I will clean up the garage a little bit. Despite us living here for only four months, the garage is already a little bit messy. So it is really time to clean up. The play house is assembled pretty quickly and after an afternoon of cleaning up, the garage also looks really neat. Now Fleur and Daan can play in the play house and they can get to their toys more easily.
We really need to reassemble Fleur and Daan’s play house. We are living here for four months already and it is still not assembled. So Erik will do that and I will clean up the garage a little bit. Despite us living here for only four months, the garage is already a little bit messy. So it is really time to clean up. The play house is assembled pretty quickly and after an afternoon of cleaning up, the garage also looks really neat. Now Fleur and Daan can play in the play house and they can get to their toys more easily.
16 februari 2008
Eerste inspectie van de makelaar / First inspection from the real estate agent
We hebben vandaag de eerste inspectie van de makelaar. Er komt een paar keer per jaar iemand kijken of je wel zuinig op het huis bent. Dat je de boel niet afbreekt enzo. En ze vragen gelijk of er nog dingen zijn die gerepareerd moeten worden. Nu hebben we een gat in de muur achter de voordeur en achter de deur van Daan zijn slaapkamer. En wat lekkende kranen in de badkamer. Verder is er niks kapot in het huis en zijn we er heel zuinig op. Er valt dus ook niks op aan te merken en de inspectie duurt echt maar ongeveer 10 minuten. Dat valt weer heel erg mee. Hoeven we ons in ieder geval nooit meer zorgen te maken over die inspecties.
Today we had the first inspection from the real estate agent. A couple of times a year somebody comes to check your house to see if you are careful with it. They do not want you to destroy the house or anything like that. They also ask if there are things that need to be repaired. And we do have a hole in the wall behind the front door and behind the door of Daan’s bedroom. And some leaking tabs in the bathroom. Besides that we have no damages because we are really careful with everything in the house. So they have no complaints and the inspection only takes about 10 minutes. That was a piece of cake. That is something we do not have to worry about the next time.
Today we had the first inspection from the real estate agent. A couple of times a year somebody comes to check your house to see if you are careful with it. They do not want you to destroy the house or anything like that. They also ask if there are things that need to be repaired. And we do have a hole in the wall behind the front door and behind the door of Daan’s bedroom. And some leaking tabs in the bathroom. Besides that we have no damages because we are really careful with everything in the house. So they have no complaints and the inspection only takes about 10 minutes. That was a piece of cake. That is something we do not have to worry about the next time.
13 februari 2008
Wij fietsen nu ook / We are also cycling now
Omdat ik nu ook kan fietsen, ga ik voortaan op de fiets boodschappen doen. Het was toch niet altijd leuk om van de winkel naar huis heuvel op te moeten ploeteren met Daan in de buggy en boodschappentassen erbij. Nu gaan we dus lekker op de fiets. Ook met de fiets is het natuurlijk best pittig om weer de heuvel op te moeten fietsen, maar het gaat eigenlijk best goed. We wachten soms ook tot Fleur uit school is zodat zij ook met ons mee naar de winkel kan fietsen. Dat vindt Fleur heel erg leuk alleen is voor haar heuvel op ook erg zwaar. Ze redt het meestal net, maar dat is goed genoeg. Je kunt alleen wel merken dat mensen niet echt gewend zijn aan fietsers op de weg. Er zijn hier geen fietspaden en we fietsen dus gewoon op de weg. En om er zeker van te zijn dat mensen niet heel hard langs ons heenrijden als er ook nog tegenliggers aankomen, rijd ik midden op onze kant van de weg. En zo gaat het fietsen eigenlijk heel goed, zelfs het aan de linkerkant van de weg fietsen gaat prima. We blijven nu dus lekker fietsen en laat al die mensen ons maar aanstaren. Ze zullen er vanzelf wel een keer aan wennen.
Because I can ride my bike as well now, I do my shopping by bike. I did not always like to walk back home from the store, because you have to walk up a hill and that is really tough with Daan in the stroller and with all the grocery bags. So now we go by bike. Of course going by bike is also a bit of a challenge because we also have to drive up the hill, but we are actually doing pretty well. Sometimes we wait until Fleur comes home from school so she can go with us to the shops on her bike. Fleur really loves to cycle but the hill is very tough for her as well. Normally she will just make it up there, but that is just good enough. You can also see that people are not really used to having people riding bikes on the road. There are no cycle paths near the road here, so we just drive on the road. And to make sure that no one is driving past us too fast when there are also cars coming from the other direction, I drive in the middle of our side of the road. And we are actually doing pretty well like that; even the driving on the left side of the road is going well. So we keep on riding our bike and let all the people stare at us. Eventually they will get used to us.
Because I can ride my bike as well now, I do my shopping by bike. I did not always like to walk back home from the store, because you have to walk up a hill and that is really tough with Daan in the stroller and with all the grocery bags. So now we go by bike. Of course going by bike is also a bit of a challenge because we also have to drive up the hill, but we are actually doing pretty well. Sometimes we wait until Fleur comes home from school so she can go with us to the shops on her bike. Fleur really loves to cycle but the hill is very tough for her as well. Normally she will just make it up there, but that is just good enough. You can also see that people are not really used to having people riding bikes on the road. There are no cycle paths near the road here, so we just drive on the road. And to make sure that no one is driving past us too fast when there are also cars coming from the other direction, I drive in the middle of our side of the road. And we are actually doing pretty well like that; even the driving on the left side of the road is going well. So we keep on riding our bike and let all the people stare at us. Eventually they will get used to us.
10 februari 2008
Erik gaat fietsen / Erik goes cycling
Na heel wat geploeter zitten dan toch de nieuwe bagagedrager en het fietsstoeltje achter op mijn fiets. We rijden gelijk even een klein rondje om te kijken of het goed gaat zo. Omdat het lekker weer is, gaat Erik een stuk rijden met zijn mountainbike. Hij gaat fietsen in het Nurragingy Reserve bij Doonside. Tussendoor belt hij nog een keer om te zeggen dat het lekker gaat, maar dat er alleen stukken van het fietspad afgesloten zijn door de regen, en hij is nog niet moe genoeg dus hij fiets nog een stuk door. Als Erik weer thuiskomt, is hij helemaal kapot. Hij had er niet bij nagedacht dat de weg van het Reserve naar huis heuvel op was, en dat hij het laatste stuk nog flink moest ploeteren. Erik was dus erg moe en vies maar wel voldaan. Hij had lekker gefietst en de fiets is goedgekeurd.
After a lot of hard work the child seat is finally attached on my bike. We cycle around for a little while to see if it everything is good like this. Because of the good weather, Erik is going to do some off-road riding on his mountain bike. He goes to Nurragingy Reserve near Doonside. After a while he calls to tell us that everything is going well, but some parts of the cycle track are closed because of the rain, and he is not tired enough so he will go on for a while. When Erik comes home he is really tired. He forgot about the way back home from the Reserve that goes up the hill, and so he had to work really hard. So Erik was very tired and dirty but satisfied. The cycling went well and his new bike is approved.
After a lot of hard work the child seat is finally attached on my bike. We cycle around for a little while to see if it everything is good like this. Because of the good weather, Erik is going to do some off-road riding on his mountain bike. He goes to Nurragingy Reserve near Doonside. After a while he calls to tell us that everything is going well, but some parts of the cycle track are closed because of the rain, and he is not tired enough so he will go on for a while. When Erik comes home he is really tired. He forgot about the way back home from the Reserve that goes up the hill, and so he had to work really hard. So Erik was very tired and dirty but satisfied. The cycling went well and his new bike is approved.
09 februari 2008
Feestje Boston en een mountainbike kopen / Party Boston and bying a mountain bike
Boston viert vandaag zijn verjaardag en Daan en Fleur zijn ook uitgenodigd. Het is een piratenfeestje dus dat wordt erg leuk. We brengen Daan en Fleur naar het feestje en gaan zelf wat winkelen. We verbazen ons erover hoe makkelijk de kids meteen gaan spelen want het is erg druk op de verjaardag van Boston. Maar dat maakt het voor ons natuurlijk alleen maar makkelijker om weg te gaan. Ik heb mijn fiets in Australië nog niet gebruikt omdat we nog geen fietsstoeltje voor Daan op mijn fiets hebben en die gaan we nu dus kopen. We nemen mijn fiets mee naar de winkel zodat we zeker weten dat het stoeltje op mijn fiets gaat passen. Omdat ze hier alleen maar mountainbikes en all terrain bikes verkopen, zit er bij een fietsstoeltje ook een bagagedrager. Ook kopen we voor mij gelijk een helm want het is verplicht om met een helm op te fietsen. Omdat we nu toch in de fietsenwinkel zijn, kijkt Erik gelijk voor een nieuwe mountainbike. Hij koopt een hele flashy rode mountainbike en is er super blij mee. Als we klaar zijn met al onze aankopen is het alweer tijd om Daan en Fleur op te gaan halen. Ze hebben het heel erg leuk gehad op het feestje. Er was zelfs een soort goochelaar die allemaal trucs deed. We zijn nog even blijven kletsen daar en toen naar huis.
Boston is celebrating his birthday today and Daan and Fleur are invited too. It is a pirate party so that will be lots of fun. We bring Daan and Fleur to the party and we will do some shopping. We are surprised about how easy the kids go play at the party because it is really busy. But for us it is really good because now we can just leave without them noticing. I have not used my bike in Australia because we do not have a child seat for Daan on my bike, so we are buying one today. We take my bike to the shop as well to be sure that the child seat will fit on my bike. Because they only have mountain bikes and all terrain bikes here, the child seat comes with a carrier. We also buy a helmet for me because it is compulsory to wear a helmet on the bike. And because we are at the bike shop now, Erik will look for a new mountain bike as well. He buys a flashy red mountain bike and is really happy with that. When we finish our shopping it is already time to go pick up Daan and Fleur. They had a really good time at the party. There even was some sort of magician who did tricks. We stayed there to chat for a while and then went back home.
Boston is celebrating his birthday today and Daan and Fleur are invited too. It is a pirate party so that will be lots of fun. We bring Daan and Fleur to the party and we will do some shopping. We are surprised about how easy the kids go play at the party because it is really busy. But for us it is really good because now we can just leave without them noticing. I have not used my bike in Australia because we do not have a child seat for Daan on my bike, so we are buying one today. We take my bike to the shop as well to be sure that the child seat will fit on my bike. Because they only have mountain bikes and all terrain bikes here, the child seat comes with a carrier. We also buy a helmet for me because it is compulsory to wear a helmet on the bike. And because we are at the bike shop now, Erik will look for a new mountain bike as well. He buys a flashy red mountain bike and is really happy with that. When we finish our shopping it is already time to go pick up Daan and Fleur. They had a really good time at the party. There even was some sort of magician who did tricks. We stayed there to chat for a while and then went back home.
07 februari 2008
Playgroup begint weer / Playgroup starts again
Vandaag gaan we ook weer naar playgroup met Nicole, Boston en Maia, voor de eerste keer na de zomervakantie. Daan heeft er heel erg veel zin in, dus dat is fijn. Ik vind het ook wel weer gezellig om even iets anders te doen dan alleen maar dingen thuis. De kinderen vinden het allemaal weer erg leuk om met elkaar te spelen en te knutselen en het is een gezellige morgen. Daan vindt het ook altijd al leuk om met Boston en Maia in de auto te zitten en lekker te kletsen.
Today we are going to playgroup again with Nicole, Boston and Maia, for the first time after the summer holiday. Daan is really looking forward to it, so that is good. I think it is great as well to do something different than only doing things at home. The kids all love to play together again and do some crafts, so we have a wonderful morning. Daan also likes to be in the car with Boston and Maia and to chat with them.
Today we are going to playgroup again with Nicole, Boston and Maia, for the first time after the summer holiday. Daan is really looking forward to it, so that is good. I think it is great as well to do something different than only doing things at home. The kids all love to play together again and do some crafts, so we have a wonderful morning. Daan also likes to be in the car with Boston and Maia and to chat with them.
06 februari 2008
Daan zonder luier / Daan without a diaper
Onderweg naar Melbourne moest Fleur plassen en stopten we langs de kant van de weg. Ik wilde de luier van Daan voor de zekerheid ook vast verschonen, maar die was nog helemaal droog. Toen ben ik met Daan naar een boom gelopen om te kijken of hij misschien gewoon wilde plassen (tegen de boom aan dus). Wat een feest was dat toen hij dus echt gewoon bij die boom plaste. De eerste keer sinds tijden dat hij niet in zijn luier had geplast. We waren natuurlijk heel trots op hem. In de vakantie heeft hij nog wel vaker op de wc geplast. Eenmaal thuis zijn we gaan proberen of hij dat hier ook nog wilde doen. En na een aantal weken ging het al zo goed dat hij thuis al de hele dag zonder luier liep. En nu zijn we zelfs zover dat hij echt alleen ’s nachts nog een luier aan heeft die ’s morgens nog droog is. Ook als we ergens heen gaan, heeft Daan geen luier meer om. We zijn heel erg trots op hem en hij wordt zo echt een grote vent. Nu alleen nog ’s nachts zonder luier. Goed gedaan Daantje!!!!
On our way to Melbourne Fleur had to pee and we stopped at the side of the road. To be sure I wanted to change Daan’s diaper as well, but it was still completely dry. So I walked to a tree with Daan to see if wanted to pee (against the tree). That was fun because he did pee near the tree. The first time since very long that he did not pee in his diaper. Of course we were very proud of him. During the holiday he did go to toilet more often. When we were back home we started trying to go to the toilet here as well. And after a few weeks he did so well that he was walking around without a diaper at home for the whole day. And now he is only wearing a diaper at night and most of the times it is still dry in the morning. Even when we are going away for the day, Daan does not need a diaper anymore. We are very proud of him and he is growing up really fast. Now we only have to try to lose the diaper at night. Well done Daantje!!!!
On our way to Melbourne Fleur had to pee and we stopped at the side of the road. To be sure I wanted to change Daan’s diaper as well, but it was still completely dry. So I walked to a tree with Daan to see if wanted to pee (against the tree). That was fun because he did pee near the tree. The first time since very long that he did not pee in his diaper. Of course we were very proud of him. During the holiday he did go to toilet more often. When we were back home we started trying to go to the toilet here as well. And after a few weeks he did so well that he was walking around without a diaper at home for the whole day. And now he is only wearing a diaper at night and most of the times it is still dry in the morning. Even when we are going away for the day, Daan does not need a diaper anymore. We are very proud of him and he is growing up really fast. Now we only have to try to lose the diaper at night. Well done Daantje!!!!
03 februari 2008
Naar Sydney met Marco en Nelleke / To Sydney with Marco and Nelleke
Gisteren aan het einde van de middag kwamen Marco en Nelleke weer. Deze keer bleven ze ook ’s avond bij ons eten en slapen. We hebben heerlijk Chinees gegeten, heel anders dan in Nederland maar wel erg lekker. En natuurlijk werd het laat want je hebt heel veel dingen om over te praten als je aan het einde bent van een lange vakantie in Nieuw Zeeland en Australë. Het was erg gezellig en we hebben veel gelachen. Vanmorgen zijn we dan ook niet zo heel erg vroeg opgestaan. Een lekker ontbijtje gemaakt en tijdens en na het ontbijt even besproken wat we nog wilden gaan doen vandaag. We gaan in ieder geval naar Sydney want daar moeten Marco en Nelleke hun spullen naar het hotel brengen en de auto terugbrengen. Wij gaan met de trein. Helaas regent het erg hard en worden we van het lopen van de auto naar het station vreselijk nat. Gelukkig is het niet zo heel erg koud en drogen we snel weer op. Als we in Sydney aankomen regent het nog maar een klein beetje. We besluiten eerst naar de Sydney Tower te gaan. Je staat 250 meter boven de grond en hebt uitzicht over de hele stad. Heel erg mooi natuurlijk. Daarna hebben we ook nog de OzTrek gedaan. Je zit op stoelen op een plateau dat ronddraait en vertelt over de historie van Australië. Daarna in stoelen die bewegen en met een film alsof het lijkt dat je door de lucht vliegt en zo Australië beleeft. Heel erg leuk allemaal. Daarna zijn we gaan lunchen. Gelukkig was het daarna zo goed als droog en zijn we naar de Harbour Bridge en de Opera House gelopen. Eerst over het pad langs de Botanical Gardens gelopen zodat er mooie foto’s gemaakt konden worden van de Opera House met de Harbour Bridge op de achtergrond. Toen weer terug gelopen naar Circular Quay en daar de ferry genomen naar Darling Harbour. Een erg leuk tochtje onder de Harbour Brigde door. Daarna was het voor ons helaas al weer tijd om naar huis te gaan omdat we geen idee hadden hoe laat de parkeergarage waar onze auto in stond zou sluiten. Gelukkig heeft het niet meer geregend en was het verder toch nog een mooie dag.
Yesterday at the end of the afternoon Marco and Nelleke came to our home again. This time they had dinner and stayed for the night as well. We had really nice Chinese take out food, really different then in Holland but very yummy. Of course it was very late before we went to sleep because you have lots of things to talk about when you are at the end of a long holiday in New Zealand and Australia. We had lots of fun and lots of laughs. So, this morning we did not get up that early. We made a nice breakfast and during and after breakfast we discussed what we wanted to do today. We are going to Sydney because Marco and Nelleke have to return the car and they want to bring all their stuff to the hotel. We are going by train. Unfortunately it rains really hard when we walk from the car to the station. Luckily it is not very cold and we dry pretty quickly. When we arrive in Sydney it is still raining a little bit. We decide to go to the Sydney Tower first. You are standing at a 250 meter height and have a great view over the city. Really beautiful. After that we also do the OzTrek. You sit on chairs on a plateau that turns and they tell you all about the history of Australia. After that you sit in chairs that move and with a movie it looks like you are flying through the sky and see Australia like that. It was really fun. After that we have lunch. Fortunately after lunch it was almost dry outside and we walked to the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. First we walked past the Botanical Gardens so we could make pictures of the Opera House with the Harbour Bridge. Then we walked back to Circular Quay and took a ferry to Darling Harbour. That was a nice trip going under the Harbour Bridge. After that unfortunately for us it was time to go home because we had no idea which time the parking garage, in which our car was, would close. Lucky for us it did not rain anymore and we had a lovely day after all.
Yesterday at the end of the afternoon Marco and Nelleke came to our home again. This time they had dinner and stayed for the night as well. We had really nice Chinese take out food, really different then in Holland but very yummy. Of course it was very late before we went to sleep because you have lots of things to talk about when you are at the end of a long holiday in New Zealand and Australia. We had lots of fun and lots of laughs. So, this morning we did not get up that early. We made a nice breakfast and during and after breakfast we discussed what we wanted to do today. We are going to Sydney because Marco and Nelleke have to return the car and they want to bring all their stuff to the hotel. We are going by train. Unfortunately it rains really hard when we walk from the car to the station. Luckily it is not very cold and we dry pretty quickly. When we arrive in Sydney it is still raining a little bit. We decide to go to the Sydney Tower first. You are standing at a 250 meter height and have a great view over the city. Really beautiful. After that we also do the OzTrek. You sit on chairs on a plateau that turns and they tell you all about the history of Australia. After that you sit in chairs that move and with a movie it looks like you are flying through the sky and see Australia like that. It was really fun. After that we have lunch. Fortunately after lunch it was almost dry outside and we walked to the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. First we walked past the Botanical Gardens so we could make pictures of the Opera House with the Harbour Bridge. Then we walked back to Circular Quay and took a ferry to Darling Harbour. That was a nice trip going under the Harbour Bridge. After that unfortunately for us it was time to go home because we had no idea which time the parking garage, in which our car was, would close. Lucky for us it did not rain anymore and we had a lovely day after all.
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