De laatste zwemles voor de vakanatie van Fleur was een speciale. Helaas had ik mijn fototoestel niet mee dus zijn er geen foto’s van. De zwemles stond in het teken van “Veiligheid in het water”. Alle kinderen kregen een zwemvest aan en moesten daarna één voor één in het water springen. Dan moesten ze zelf naar de overkant zwemmen en moesten ze daar een lange “ketting” van kinderen maken. Allemaal op de rug in het water liggen en de benen van degene achter je vasthouden. En toen werd de ketting van Fleur weer naar de andere kant van het zwembad getrokken (bij de grotere kinderen moest de voorste zorgen dat ze naar de overkant kwamen). Daarna hebben ze nog verschillende manieren geoefend om in het water te springen (zonder zwemvest). En ja ja, ook een bommetje! Het was een erg leuke laatste zwemles voor de vakantie.
Fleur’s last swimming lesson before the holidays was a special one. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera so there are no pictures. The swimming lesson was about “Safety in the water”. All the children got to wear a life jacket and had to jump in the water one at a time. Then they had to swim to the other side of the pool where they made a big “chain” of children. They all had to lay on their backs in the water and hold the legs of the one behind them. And then Fleur’s chain was pulled to the other side of the pool (with the bigger children the ones in front had to take the whole chain to the other side). After that they practiced different ways of jumping in the pool (without the life jacket). It was a very fun last swimming lesson before the holidays.

30 juni 2008
29 juni 2008
We wandelen de Nature Track bij Wentworth Falls / We walk the Nature Track at Wentworth Falls

Today we wanted to do the Cliff Top Circuit at Wentworth Falls. The walk should start at the parking and picnic area of Wentworth Falls, but that was closed. The circuit would go past the Conservation Hut (you can have a refreshment here), so we drove there to see if they had some information about which walks you could still do. When we arrived there, we found out that also a part of the track was closed. They were refurbishing the path and parking and picnic area. So we had a good look at the map there and decided to do the Nature Track. That one was in our book as well, so that was good. We walked the track the other way around than most people did, because at the start we came across some other people. But most of the time we were there all by our selves and it was very beautiful and quiet. We had wonderful views and saw pretty wildflowers. And at the end we had a couple of steel stairs (very nice, not) but with a wonderful view at the top. And after that there were of couple of stone step stairs up. So we had a good climb, but the walk was great. After that we went to Leura and Fleur and Daan played at a playground. We also had a look at nearby Leura Cascade Lookout, and of course we had a spectacular view of the Blue Mountains here as well. We had dinner at a small restaurant in Leura that did not really look all that nice, but the food tasted good. With the kids, there are not a lot of places in Leura you can have dinner, unfortunately.
27 juni 2008
Fleur heeft haar rapport gekregen / Fleur received her report
Fleur heeft vandaag haar rapport gekregen en gelukkig vond de juffrouw ook dat Fleur het heel erg goed doet op school. Haar inzet is heel erg goed en ze gaat met sprongen vooruit. Ze zit nu met alle dingen wel op het niveau behorende bi dit jaar en dat is natuurlijk best knap. Haar Engels (nou ja, Australisch eigenlijk) is al heel goed aan het worden. Ze kan inmiddels ook makkelijk zelf een gesprek voeren met mensen. Ze heeft mij hier echt niet meer voor nodig. Ze is zelfs ons weleens aan het verbeteren als wij iets in het Engels zeggen en dat volgens haar anders moet (in het Australisch dus). Zo krijgen wij van haar ook een beetje Australische les.
Fleur has got her report today and fortunately the teacher thinks that Fleur is doing really well at school. Her effort is very good and she is improving a lot. She is now on a Year 1 level with everything, so that is very good. Her English (well, her Australian) has become pretty good. She can have a conversation with people herself. She really does not need me with that anymore. She also tells us when we say things the wrong way, when we say it in English and she thinks we have to say it different (in Australian). So she is teaching us to speak Australian.
Fleur has got her report today and fortunately the teacher thinks that Fleur is doing really well at school. Her effort is very good and she is improving a lot. She is now on a Year 1 level with everything, so that is very good. Her English (well, her Australian) has become pretty good. She can have a conversation with people herself. She really does not need me with that anymore. She also tells us when we say things the wrong way, when we say it in English and she thinks we have to say it different (in Australian). So she is teaching us to speak Australian.
25 juni 2008
Picknicken in Nurragingy Reserve / Picnic at Nurragingy Reserve

The weather is still good and I take Daan for a picnic at Nurragingy Reserve (the park close to us). Nicole, Boston and Maia will join us. First we go to a little playground so the kids can play and run around for a while. We also have lunch and a drink here. It is very nice in the sunshine. After that we walk for a while through the park to a small pond. Daan brought his tricycle and Boston and Maia have their scooters with them. Because of the good weather everything looks really nice here. Nicole also brought some bread for the ducks so that was a lot of fun as well. We had a very lovely day today and will definitely do this more often.
22 juni 2008
Wandelen van Balmain naar Birchgrove / Walking from Balmain to Birchgrove

The weather is good today and we are going to do a different walk than we normally do. We decide to walk from Balmain to Birchgrove. You walk through the streets of Balmain and past little harbours. Balmain looks really nice when we drive through. And at the start of the walk we have a great view of Sydney CBD and the Harbour Bridge. We walk past very nice houses and also some really old ones, and we have nice views of all the bays here. At a small harbour there is a sign that you have to look out for sharks. That was a shock because there was also a small beach there. Not a good place to go for a swim. With sunset we are at White Horse Point at Elkington Park where we have a great view. Then we walk back to the car in the dark and had dinner in Balmain at a nice Italian restaurant. It was good to do a city walk for a change.
20 juni 2008
Nog een sportsaward voor Fleur / Another sports award voor Fleur

Fleur keeps on getting awards these days. Today she got a sports award. Because Fleur is not a real sporty girl, I think this is really nice. Fleur thinks she got the award because she did very well with dancing today. This is already the second sports award for Fleur. Good job.
18 juni 2008
Daan heeft een licht vorm van Pseudo Kroep / Daan has a mild Croup virus
Twee weken geleden zijn we met Daan naar de dokter geweest omdat hij een heel vervelende blafhoest had, die hem ook nog iedere keer uit zijn slaap hield. En ons natuurlijk ook. De dokter vertelde ons dat hij een lichte vorm van Pseudo Kroep had. Een ontsteking van de luchtwegen waarbij je een blafhoest krijgt en je kunt het ook benauwd krijgen als de stembanden te veel ontstoken raken. In dat geval moet je zelfs naar het ziekenhuis. Gelukkig had Daan nu alleen maar die blafhoest en kregen wij hier een paar Pretnison pilletjes van dokter voor. Die moesten we dan fijn maken en samen met iets anders geven omdat het heel bitter is. Even fijnprakken met wat hagelslag dus en opeten maar. Daan vond het helemaal niet vies dus het zal toch wel niet zo heel erg bitter zijn geweest. Diezelfde avond ging het al een stuk beter met hem en na een paar dagen was hij weer helemaal beter. Helaas begon Daan zondag weer te hoesten en klonk hij maandag echt als een hondje. Weer naar de dokter dus. Zij had hem al horen hoesten in de wachtkamer en zei gelijk al dat het weer niet goed klonk. Deze keer moesten we een Pretnison drankje gaan halen bij de apotheek en die moest hij twee keer (twee dagen, één keer per dag) innemen. Gelukkig ging dit heel goed. Vandaag gaat het al weer heel goed met Daan. De Pretnison werkt echt heel erg goed. Nu maar hopen dat het voortaan bij een gewone verkoudheid blijft.
Two weeks ago we went to the doctor with Daan because he had a very bad barking cough, which kept him awake during the night. And us too. The doctor told us that he had a mild Croup virus. That is an infection of the air ways which causes a barking cough and you can also get short of breath when the vocal cords get infected badly. In that case you have to go to the hospital. Luckily Daan only had the barking cough and we got a couple of Prednisone tablets from the doctor. We had to crush them and give it together with something else because it would be very bitter. We crushed it with some chocolate sprinkles and then Daan could eat it. Daan did not think it tasted bad, so it was not very bitter I think. The same night Daan was already feeling a lot better and after a couple of days he was better. Unfortunately Daan started coughing again on Sunday and on Monday he sounded like a little dog again. So we went to the doctor for the second time. She had already heard him cough in the waiting room and straight away said that that did not sound well. This time we had to buy a Prednisone liquid at the pharmacy and he had to take that twice (two days, one time a day). Luckily this went very well. Today Daan is feeling very good, so the Prednisone works really well. Now we hope that the next time he starts coughing it will just be a normal cold.
Two weeks ago we went to the doctor with Daan because he had a very bad barking cough, which kept him awake during the night. And us too. The doctor told us that he had a mild Croup virus. That is an infection of the air ways which causes a barking cough and you can also get short of breath when the vocal cords get infected badly. In that case you have to go to the hospital. Luckily Daan only had the barking cough and we got a couple of Prednisone tablets from the doctor. We had to crush them and give it together with something else because it would be very bitter. We crushed it with some chocolate sprinkles and then Daan could eat it. Daan did not think it tasted bad, so it was not very bitter I think. The same night Daan was already feeling a lot better and after a couple of days he was better. Unfortunately Daan started coughing again on Sunday and on Monday he sounded like a little dog again. So we went to the doctor for the second time. She had already heard him cough in the waiting room and straight away said that that did not sound well. This time we had to buy a Prednisone liquid at the pharmacy and he had to take that twice (two days, one time a day). Luckily this went very well. Today Daan is feeling very good, so the Prednisone works really well. Now we hope that the next time he starts coughing it will just be a normal cold.
13 juni 2008
Fleur heeft een Golden Award / Fleur has a Golden Award

Yesterday we heard that Fleur has to say something on stage with the assembly (the whole school assembly). We practiced well and today is the day. Fleur first has to say that everyone should sit quietly and then she has to announce Mrs. Cooper (the principal) to address the assembly. But Mrs. Cooper is not there yet, so she has to wait a while. Luckily Fleur does not think this is a problem. And when Mrs. Cooper arrives, Fleur just walks back to the microphone to announce her. Well done Fleur. Fleur also gets a Golden Award today. You get one when you have had four Merit (Blue) Awards or Student of the Week Awards. And the awards from last year count as well. And last week she got her fourth, so today was the day she got the Golden Award. Fleur was very excited because on this award everything is gold and that is very cool. We are really proud of her for doing so well at school.
08 juni 2008
The Dutch Shop "'t Winkeltje" and Western Sydney Regional Park

What do you do as Dutch people on a Sunday when the weather predictions are not so good. You go to the Dutch Shop “’t Winkeltje” in Smithfield. Here you can buy a lot of different Dutch products like licorice, coloured sprinkles, croquettes, Delfts Blue stuff and so on. They also have a Dutch style café (with rugs on the table) where you can eat a croquet and have a cup of coffee. Sometimes we go here to buy salty licorice and pancake mix (we do not really like the pancakes here). After that we went to a playground at Western Sydney Regional Park. Fleur and Daan (and Erik and I) enjoyed running and playing for a while.
07 juni 2008
Een "nieuwe" auto voor Erik / A "new" car for Erik

Because it can be a bit of a problem when you do not have a car here, we went to buy another car for Erik last Sunday which he can drive to work. It did not have to be a new car, only a bit more fuel economic. We found a nice Toyota Camry that we bought. The car is from 1999 but looks really good and it drives very smooth, and that is also important. Now we are both happy because I can drive everywhere. And Fleur is happy because she can go to dancing lessons now.
06 juni 2008
Dansen met de klas en weer een award / Dancing with the class and again an award

Today was going to be a nice assembly. Fleur’s class was going to do a little dance on stage. That was really fun and also a bit exciting. Fleur practiced all week (and the weeks before), so she would be fine. Unfortunately there was no time to practice on stage today so sometimes it looked a bit messy. But it was very nice to see how hard they all tried (some kids tried a bit harder than others). I really enjoyed it a lot. After that there was a big surprise for Fleur because she got a Merit (Blue) Award for writing a quality explanation (about how the seeds they had planted became little plants). She was very happy with getting that.
05 juni 2008
Open dag bij de brandweer / Open day at the fire station

Every year during the Blacktown Festival all the fire stations around Blacktown have an open day. Today they had an open day and we went to have a look as well. Fleur and Daan loved that because they sit in different types of fire trucks. You could sit in the front and in the back row as well. They also had a demonstration about how they cut open a car when someone gets stuck after an accident. That was quite interesting. Before we went home the kids got a bag with information on fire prevention and a colouring-in page, a balloon and a couple of fire station tattoos. Of course they had sausage sizzle. They were handing out slices of bread with a barbequed sausage and union rings, that mostly tastes very good, but not at 11am.
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