Omdat we hier veel last hebben van kakkerlakken (ja echt waar, van die hele grote en ook wat kleinere) kwamen ze donderdag van Pest Control om te spuiten. We moesten daarna een paar uur het huis uit omdat het erg stinkt. Ze spuiten buiten langs het hele huis en binnen langs de plinten. Als het goed is, zijn over twee weken alle kakkerlakken dood. Als we overdag een kakkerlak vinden, zetten we er een glas overheen en haalt Erik ze ’s avonds weg. Hij neemt ze dan mee naar buiten en snijdt ze doormidden (gatver). Fleur heeft al een keer mee staan kijken want ze vond het wel erg interessant. Maar nu ze gespoten hadden, dachten we dat ze wel weg zouden zijn/blijven. Maar helaas, dat was dus niet zo. Vanmorgen lagen er wel een stuk of acht kakkerlakken verspreid door het huis. Sommige waren dood, maar sommige leefden nog. Dat was dus gelijk uit bed op kakkerlakkenjacht. Iedereen was wel gelijk goed wakker. We laten wel weten of we straks echt van de kakkerlakken af zijn.
Because there are a lot of cockroaches here (yes really, we have really big ones and smaller ones) Pest Control came on Thursday to spray. After they were finishes we had to leave the house for a couple of hours, because of the bad smell. They spray at the outside of the house and inside at the skirting. If it works well, most of the cockroaches will be dead in about two weeks. If we find a cockroach when Erik is at work, we put a glass over it and Erik will take it away when he comes home. He will take the cockroach outside and cut it in two (yuck). Fleur already had a look at that because she thought it was very interesting. But now that they have sprayed the house, we thought that they would be gone or at least stayed away from our house. But unfortunately that was not the case. This morning there were about eight cockroaches in the house. Some of them were dead, but some of them were still alive. So, straight out of bed we go cockroach hunting. And everybody was very awake from that moment on. We will let you know if the cockroaches are really gone.
Because there are a lot of cockroaches here (yes really, we have really big ones and smaller ones) Pest Control came on Thursday to spray. After they were finishes we had to leave the house for a couple of hours, because of the bad smell. They spray at the outside of the house and inside at the skirting. If it works well, most of the cockroaches will be dead in about two weeks. If we find a cockroach when Erik is at work, we put a glass over it and Erik will take it away when he comes home. He will take the cockroach outside and cut it in two (yuck). Fleur already had a look at that because she thought it was very interesting. But now that they have sprayed the house, we thought that they would be gone or at least stayed away from our house. But unfortunately that was not the case. This morning there were about eight cockroaches in the house. Some of them were dead, but some of them were still alive. So, straight out of bed we go cockroach hunting. And everybody was very awake from that moment on. We will let you know if the cockroaches are really gone.
1 opmerking:
Een goedendag, toffe site zeg! En zeer fijn dat jullie het zo fijn vinden!!!
Enne Marielle, leuke kakkerlakken maarre.... hoe ist met de spinnen daaro???
Vele groeten van San(dra vd Broek)uit Son
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