Saturday we bought a new bike for Fleur. The bike we brought from Holland is getting a little bit too small for her, so it was time to buy a big bike. And she has one now. Daan has her old bike now. We put the training wheels on it and put the saddle all the way down. Fleur and Daan are both really happy now and the only thing they want to do all day is riding their bikes. Of course we go to school on the new bike today. It goes really well and Fleur want to show her bike to all her friends. Everyone thinks the bike is very pretty. Even Connor and Kai (boys from her class and the other Year 1 class) think the bike is very cool, and it is a pink bike so that was funny. They would love to ride the bike, but it is a really big bike. And Fleur tells them with great enthusiasm: “it is a 20 inch!!”. So now we go to school on the bike each day, just like in Holland.

29 april 2008
Fleur en Daan fietsen wat af / Fleur and Daan riding their bikes
Saturday we bought a new bike for Fleur. The bike we brought from Holland is getting a little bit too small for her, so it was time to buy a big bike. And she has one now. Daan has her old bike now. We put the training wheels on it and put the saddle all the way down. Fleur and Daan are both really happy now and the only thing they want to do all day is riding their bikes. Of course we go to school on the new bike today. It goes really well and Fleur want to show her bike to all her friends. Everyone thinks the bike is very pretty. Even Connor and Kai (boys from her class and the other Year 1 class) think the bike is very cool, and it is a pink bike so that was funny. They would love to ride the bike, but it is a really big bike. And Fleur tells them with great enthusiasm: “it is a 20 inch!!”. So now we go to school on the bike each day, just like in Holland.
28 april 2008
Fleur's eerste zwemles hier / Fleur's first swimming lesson here

Fleur had her first swimming lesson today. That was really exciting of course. The swimming lesson starts at 6.30 pm and goes for half an hour. In Fleur’s group are 5 kids and the swimming teacher is called Lisa. They can (have to) wear goggles during the swimming lesson and that is good because they are under water a lot. They start with a short lap with a kickboard, and peddle on. After that they do a short lap without the kickboard and then they practice the crawl. That is different from Holland because there you learn the regular swim strokes first. The crawl is a little bit difficult and it looks like a doggy that is swimming, but that is also with other kids and she will learn that after a few lessons. At the end they dive up some dive sticks and then the swimming lesson is already at its end. Fleur really likes it and you can see that she is determined to learn everything really quick. She is becoming a true water girl. What a change from a year ago.
27 april 2008
We gaan naar Basin Beach bij Mona Vale / We are going to Basin Beach at Mona Vale

This morning Erik and Fleur went swimming and Daan and I stay at home. There is so much mess in the house after the holiday that I do not want to go swimming today. Because it is a beautiful day today, we go away when Erik and Fleur get back from swimming. We want to go to the Blue Mountains, but they expect rain there so we decide to drive to the coast. We look for a beach that is easy to drive to with the car. We end up at Basin Beach at Mona Vale. The weather is wonderful. The kids have fun playing in the sand and we sit and relax on a blanket in the shade. Sometimes we have to go in the sea with our feet and let the waves go against our legs. Fleur and Daan’s pants are really wet soon, so we hang them to dry in the sun. It is a really beautiful afternoon. At the end of the afternoon we drive to a lookout on a big rock next to the beach. Here we have a great view of the coast on both sides. It is really wonderful. And we can almost see the sun set. We really enjoy the nice weather after all that rain we had during the holiday. And is so beautiful here that we would love to live here, but unfortunately it is too expensive here.
25 april 2008
Onze vakantie bij Cedar Grove Farmstay / Our holiday at Cedar Grove Farmstay

It is Fleur’s school holiday and we wanted to go away for a couple of days. After a long search and some phone calls (we were late again with finding something) we finally found something nice. We are going to a farm for a so called Farmstay. That must be really nice for the kids and for us as well of course. The farm that we are going to is called Cedar Grove F

21 april 2008
Aan het einde van de morgen vertekken we. Cedar Grove ligt ten noordwesten van Port Macquarie, meer in het binnenland. Naar Port Marcquarie (ten noorden van Sydney) is het ongeveer 5 uur rijden, dus het is best een eindje. En we willen niet te laat daar zijn, omdat het al om 18.00 uur donker is en we niet weten hoe de weg naar Cedar Grove is. Rond 16.30 uur zijn we dichtbij bij Port Macquarie en hier gaan we even snel eten halen voor de rest van de week, want het is van hier nog ongeveer 45 minuten rijden. Het laatste stuk naar een supermarkt zien we heel veel kangaroos en wallabies. De vakantie is dus nu al geslaagd, want voor het eerst zien we zoveel kangaroos bij elkaar in het wild en dat is wel heel erg leuk. We komen bij de farm aan als het al bijna donker is. Bij het huis aan het begin van de farm is het helemaal donker. Erik rent in het donker een heuvel op en ziet een stukje verderop ook nog een huis en daar brandt licht. Als we daar aankomen, blijkt daar een gezin te wonen die dat huisje permanent huren van de eigenaren van de farm die op dat moment even weg zijn. We krijgen de sleutel van onze cottage en gaan de spullen uitladen. Niet veel later komen de eigenaren (Col en Di) even kijken of we al gearriveerd zijn. Ze brengen ook spullen mee voor een lekker ontbijtje (koffie, thee, brood, melk, eieren, jam). Jummie!
We leave at the end of the morning. Cedar Grove is situated northwest of Port Macquarie, more in the country. Port Macquarie (north of Sydney) is about a 5 hour drive, so that is a fair bit. And we do not want to arrive too late, because it will be dark at 6 pm and we do not know how the road to Cedar Grove will be. Around 4.30 pm we are close to Port Macquarie and we are going to do some food shopping for the rest of the week, because from here it is still about a 45 minute drive. On our way to the supermarket we see lots of kangaroos and wallabies. We already have a great holiday because this is the first time we see so many kangaroos in the wild and that of course is great. We arrive at the farm when it is almost dark. The house at the beginning of the farm is dark. So Erik runs up a hill and sees another house, with lights on, a little bit further on the farm. When we arrive there, we find out that a family is living there who are permanently renting that house from the owners of the farm, who are not here at that moment. We receive the key for our cottage and start offloading our stuff. A little bit later the owners (Col and Di) drop by to see if we have already arrived. They also bring some food for a nice breakfast (coffee, tea, bread, milk, eggs, jam). Jummy!

22 april 2008
Vandaag staan we toch wel een beetje vroeg op want we hebben afgesproken met Col, onze gastheer. We ontbijten buiten op de veranda en hebben daar echt een fantastisch mooi uitzicht. Er zitten ook kookaburra’s en rainbow lorrikeets. Ze blijven alleen niet zitten dus een foto maken lukt niet. Ook ontmoeten we dan gelijk Rusty de hond, die echt een mensenvriend is en vaak komt kijken wat we aan het doen zijn. We mogen vandaag de kippen voeren. Dat is heel erg leuk en Fleur en Daan genieten ervan. Daarna mogen we ook de pony’s Tiptop en Snoopy en de ezel Sydney eten geven. En de schapen krijgen ook nog hooi, maar dat moet je toch gewoon over het hek heen gooien. Daarna gaan we met de 4WD van Col een rondje maken over hun land en door de omgeving. We hebben geen gordels achterin, maar dat is niet erg want we rijden toch rustig. Onderweg komen we koeien tegen op een plek waar ze niet horen te zijn want er stond een hek open. Erik en Col gaan de koeien weer terugjagen naar de juiste plek. Dat gaat gelukkig heel erg makkelijk. Dan krijgen de koeien ook nog wat te eten en rijden we weer verder. We drinken koffie, thee en limonade met een koekje bij de rivier. Hier kunnen Fleur en Daan ook even spelen, lekker stenen in het water gooien is natuurlijk altijd leuk. Dan rijden we nog een stuk door de omgeving. Het is hier echt heel erg mooi en vooral heel erg stil overal. We genieten volop. Als we weer terug zijn bij de farm gaan Fleur en Daan lekker buiten spelen. Er staan speeltoestellen voor de cottage en er is een speelruimte waar stepjes staan. Ook heeft Col nog twee kinderfietsen zodat Fleur en Daan ook een beetje kunnen fietsen. Het is een heerlijk rustige eerste dag hier.
Today we get up a little bit early because we are meeting Col, our host, today. We have breakfast on the veranda and have a fantastic view. There are also kookaburra’s and rainbow lorikeets. The only problem is that they will not sit still so I could not make a good picture. We also meet Rusty the dog, who is a real people dog and comes over to cottage quite often. We can feed the chooks today. That is really fun and Fleur and Daan enjoy it very much. After that we can also feed the pony’s Tiptop and Snoopy and the donkey Sydney. And the sheep get some hay, but you just have to throw that over the fence. Then we go for a ride in Col’s 4WD over their property and to see a little bit of the surroundings here. There are no seatbelts in the back, but that was no problem because Col is driving really carefully. We see some cows that are in the wrong place of the land because one of the gates was open. Erik and Col are going to chase the cows back to the right place. Luckily that is an easy job. The cows also get something to eat and then we drive on. We have morning tea at the river. Fleur and Daan can play for a while here, throwing stones into the water is always fun. After that we drive through the neighborhood for a while. It is very pretty en especially very quiet here. We enjoy it a lot. When we get back to the farm, Fleur and Daan go play outside. There is a play area in front of the cottage and a play room where they also have scooters for the kids. Col also has two children’s bikes so Fleur and Daan can drive around. It is a really nice and quiet first day here.
23 april 2008

Het is vandaag boodschappendag voor Col en Di en wij besluiten om vandaag dan naar Port Macquarie te rijden. Het regent veel, dus op de farm hebben we nu ook niet veel te doen. We rijden langs de tourist information centre en nemen daar wat informatie mee van de omgeving. Dan rijden we door naar een punt waar je mooi uitzicht hebt over de zee. Het regent wel en dat is wel jammer, want dan is over strand lopen toch niet zo leuk. We besluiten dan ook om maar gewoon een stuk langs de kust naar beneden te rijden. We zien hier nog een keer kangaroos wat natuurlijk erg leuk is, maar jammer genoeg heb je niet zo vaak mooi uitzicht over zee, daarvoor staan er te veel bomen langs de weg. Wel zien we bij een soort binnenmeer twee dolfijnen zwemmen. Dat was helemaal geweldig, alleen jammer dat het zo hard regende want dan ga je toch niet even buiten de auto staan kijken. Het was zo toch nog wel een leuk dagje weg.
Today it is shopping day for Col and Di and we decide to drive to Port Macquarie today. It is raining a lot, so we cannot do much on the farm right now. We first drive to the tourist information centre to get some information about this area. Then we drive to a point with a great view over the sea. It is raining and that is not nice, because walking on the beach is not such a good idea now and that was what we had planned to do. So we decide to drive along the coast line to the south. We see a couple of kangaroos which is very nice of course, but unfortunately we almost never have a great view over the sea, because there are too many trees next to the road. We do see two dolphins swim in a bay. That was beautiful, too bad that it was raining really hard at that time so we could not go have a look outside the car. But we did have a nice day today.

24 april 2008
We blijven vandaag weer op de farm. Toch maar weer buiten ontbijten ondanks dat het wel erg fris is. Het is toch echt anders dan als je thuis bent. Als het dan zo koud is als nu ga je echt niet buiten ontbijten. Maar hier hebben we zo’n mooi uitzicht en het is zo stil en rustgevend buiten dat we toch lekker buiten ontbijten, met een dikke trui aan. Gelukkig regent het niet en kunnen Fleur en Daan lekker buiten spelen. Tiptop, Snoopy en Sydney mogen nog een wortel hebben, dus die gaan we aan ze geven. Vooral Snoopy en Sydney vinden de wortel erg lekker. Tiptop is niet zo enthousiast en wil ook niet naar het hek toe komen. Dan gaat Erik de wortel maar gewoon naar Tiptop toebrengen. Gelukkig eet hij de wortel wel op. ’s Middags zijn we uitgenodigd bij Col en Di voor een afternoon tea (koffie, thee en lekkere zelfgemaakte scones, cake en andere lekkere hapjes). Ze hebben een hele oude fiets en Fleur en Daan mogen daarop samen fietsen. Dat is natuurlijk dikke pret. Als het buiten wat te fris wordt, gaan we naar binnen. Fleur en Daan kijken binnen een paar dvd’tjes en wij doen een spelletje Monopoly. Erik staat er het beste voor als het tijd is om terug naar de cottage te gaan. Het is inmiddels al donker, en zo ver van de stad af is het dan ook echt heel erg donker. We krijgen een grote zaklamp mee om terug naar de cottage te lopen. Die hebben we echt nodig want je ziet geen hand voor ogen zonder die zaklamp. Dit was onze laatste dag hier. Morgen gaan we alweer terug naar huis.
We stay on the farm again today. We have breakfast outside again today, although it is chilly. But it is really different from being at home. When it is this cold at home, you would not even think about having breakfast outside. But here we have the wonderful view and it is so quiet and peaceful outside that we do have breakfast outside, we just wear a warm jumper. Luckily it is not raining and Fleur and Daan can play outside. Tiptop, Snoopy and Sydney can have a carrot, so we will give that to them. Especially Snoopy and Sydney like the carrot very much. Tiptop is not really interested and does not want to come to the fence. So Erik will take to carrot to Tiptop. Fortunately he will eat the carrot then. In the afternoon we are invited for an afternoon tea at Col and Di’s. Di made really nice scones, cake and other great stuff. They have a very old bike and Fleur and Daan can play on it together. They have lots of fun. When it is getting too cold outside, we go inside. Fleur and Daan watch some dvd’s and we are going to play Monopoly. It seems like Erik is winning when it is time to go back to our cottage. It is already dark, and when you are so far from the city it is really dark. We take a big torch to walk back to the cottage. We do need the torch because without it you really could not see a thing. This was our last day at the farm. Tomorrow we are going back home already.
25 april 2008

Vandaag rijden we terug naar huis. Het is vandaag Anzac Day, de dag dat de doden die gevallen zijn tijdens oorlogen, worden herdacht. En het is vandaag de verjaardag van opa in Woerden. Dus we moeten niet al te laat thuis zijn, want we willen natuurlijk wel nog voor hem zingen als we thuis zijn. Het heeft de hele nacht vreselijk hard geregend en vanmorgen regent het ook steeds weer. Het inpakken gaat lekker snel en aan het einde van de morgen vertrekken we. We nemen nog even afscheid van Col en Di die zich maar blijven verontschuldigen voor het slechte weer, alsof zij daar iets aan konden doen. Het was helemaal niet erg, we hebben toch echt wel genoten. Door al die regen staan er verschillende wegen onder water. We moeten twee keer door het water en zijn dan weer extra blij dat we een hoge 4WD hebben. Veel land staat ook onder water. Het is echt ineens een andere wereld waar je doorrijdt na al die regen. Onderweg loopt er ook nog een vosje op de weg die waarschijnlijk ook niet meer weet waar hij nu heen moet met al dat water om hem heen. Als we bijna thuis zijn, gaan we ook nog even lekker uit eten bij ons favoriete restaurant: The Outback Steakhouse. Dat was een goede afsluiter van een lekker rustig weekje weg.
Today we drive home. It is Anzac Day today, the day they remember all the people that died during the wars. And today it is grandpa’s (in Woerden) birthday. So we cannot be home too late, because we want to sing for him when we get home. It has rained really badly all night and this morning is it still raining off and on. Packing our stuff does not take too long and we leave at the end of the morning. We say goodbye to Col and Di who keep apologizing for the bad weather, like they can help it that the weather is like this. We did not mind this weather, we enjoyed it anyway. Because of all the rain several roads are flooded. We have to drive through the water twice and we are very happy that we have a high 4WD. A lot of land is also under water. It looks like we are driving through a different world after all that rain. On the way back we also see a small fox on the road who probably does not know where to go now with all that water around him. When we are almost home, we stop at our favorite restaurant: The Outback Steakhouse, to have dinner. This was a good ending to a relaxing week.
20 april 2008
Naar de Hannah Montana film met Talia / Going to the Hannah Montana movie with Talia
Because it is Talia’s birthday next week, she can take two friends to the movies. Her cousin and Fleur are the lucky ones. Fleur is really excited. They are going to the Hannah Montana 3-D movie. Around 10 am Fleur is being picked up, they are going to church first. Fleur wants to see the church because that is in the same building as playgroup is, so she can finally see where Daan is playing every week. At 12.15 pm the movie starts. Because it is a 3-D movie, they also get paper 3-D glasses so that sometimes it really looks like the people are coming towards you and that they are throwing things at you. That is a lot of fun. After the movie they have lunch at McDonalds and they can play at a playground. Fleur enjoyed the movie and all the other things very much.
11 april 2008
Anzac Day Ceremony at Fleur's school

Today there is an Anzac Day Ceremony at Fleur’s school today. Anzac Day is like the 4th of May in Holland, remembering all the people that died during wars. The kids were asked to bring flowers on Friday morning so they could make flower arrangements in class. Because I always help in class on Friday morning, I now stayed to help make the flower arrangements. The kids all brought really beautiful flowers from their gardens. Their teacher made a lovely bouquet en I made a round flower arrangement on cardboard. It all looked really nice. In the afternoon they had the Anzac Day Ceremony and Daan and I came to watch as well. Fleur and Ariana had to bring the flowers from their class onto the stage. That, of course, was really special. They sang songs and there were two former military men who came to tell about the war. They also had one minute of silence with the trumpet sounds that you always hear at a moment like that, that was also nice. I think it is good that they do these things in school, because the kids are more involved with it now. It was an interesting afternoon.
10 april 2008
Multicultural Market Day bij Fleur op school / Multicultural Market Day at Fleur's school

Now we are going to school because they have Multicultural Market Day this afternoon. You can buy tokens again and with those tokens you can do various activities. When we arrived at school, Fleur and Gemma were already making candy necklaces. Daan sits with them to make one as well. After that they are getting tattoos, they have their faces painted, and their nails polished (not Daan of course). And then the Market Day was almost finished. The weather was really good this time. It was nice and warm and that made it a really great afternoon. Fleur and Daan enjoyed themselves and so did I.
Naar de binnenspeeltuin met playgroup / Going to an indoor playground with playgroup

Today is the last playgroup of this term and we always do something special that day. This time we go to an indoor playground. There are big slides and a part where you can climb. Daan really likes it and starts playing straight away. He does come to me to eat something and have a drink, but after that he wants to play again. This is also very nice for all the mothers. We chat a lot and have something to eat and drink. And they have a gate at the exit so the kids cannot run away, which is very good. You do not have to worry about kids leaving by themselves. We play for a couple of hours and then it is time to leave. We also have to go to school today. It was a nice last play date.
06 april 2008
Een druk weekend / A busy weekend
Fleur heeft allemaal plekjes in haar mond die heel erg zeer doen. We besloten gistermorgen om nog maar even bij de dokter langs te gaan. Omdat de dokter die we tot nu toe hadden niet fijn is, zoeken we een andere dokter. Via via hoorden we van een dokter hier in de wijk die wel heel aardig zou zijn; maar je kunt er alleen geen afspraak maken en op deze zaterdagmorgen moeten we dus bijna een uur wachten. Het blijken een soort aften te zijn, maar wel heel erg veel. Ze krijgt hiervoor een drankje waarmee ze vier keer per dag moet spoelen in haar mond en het dan moet doorslikken. De eerste keer is natuurlijk drama want bijna alles wat ze eet of drinkt doet zeer. Maar gelukkig heeft ze daarna wat afleiding want ze gaat naar het verjaardagsfeestje van Katelyn. Het is een bowling feestje. Kadootjes worden gelijk uitgepakt als je aankomt en als iedereen er is, gaan ze naar een speciale ruimte om de bowlingschoenen aan te doen. Wij gaan ondertussen een paar boodschappen doen. Erik gaat tussendoor nog wel even een keer kijken en ziet Fleur gelijk een spare gooien. Heel goed natuurlijk. Het is wel echt kinderbowling, de goten zij dichtgemaakt en ze hebben een stellage die je kunt richten en waar je de bal oplegt en dan via een soort glijbaantje naar beneden laat rollen. Dan heeft de bal ook in ieder geval genoeg vaart om tot het einde van de baan te komen. Als we Fleur tegen het einde van het feestje weer gaan ophalen, zien we dat ze het heel erg goed heeft gedaan. Ze heeft een aantal strikes en een aantal spares gegooid. De andere kinderen hebben scores van tussen de 45 en 80 punten en Fleur heeft een score van 126. Dat is natuurlijk heel erg goed. Zelf vertelt ze ook nog dat dit al de derde keer is dat ze heeft gewonnen. Daarna wordt er nog friet met kip en taart gegeten. Vanwege de aften gaat eten moeilijk voor d’r maar Fleur heeft waarschijnlijk inmiddels zo’n trek dat ze wel wat friet eet. Het was een erg gezellig feestje.
Vanmorgen gaan we eerst weer even zwemmen en daarna hebben we afgesproken bij Bart, Jennefer, Lars en Noor. Omdat we eerst nog zijn gaan zwemmen, zijn we wel iets later dan afgesproken. Het is weer heel erg gezellig en de kinderen spelen heerlijk samen. We kunnen ook nog even buiten zitten en dat is ook fijn want er komen heel veel mooie vogels bij hun in de tuin. En dat is heel erg leuk om te zien. Het was een druk maar gezellig weekend.
Fleur has a lot of little spots in here mouth that hurt really bad. Yesterday morning we decided to go to the doctor with her. Because we did not like the doctor we had, we go to another one. They say she is really nice, but you cannot make an appointment and this Saturday morning we have to wait for almost an hour. The spots area sort of ulcers, and she has a lot of them. She gets a medicine that she has to hold in her mouth for a while before she can swallow it. The first time is a big drama because everything she eats or drinks hurts. But after that she has something that takes her mind of that because she is going to Katelyn’s birthday party. It is a bowling party. The presents are opened when you arrive and when everyone is there, they all go to a special room to put on the bowling shoes. In the meanwhile we are going to do some shopping. Erik is going back there once to check on Fleur and he sees her throwing a spare. That is really good. It is children’s bowling so the sides are closed and they have a thing where you can put the ball on, you have to aim it and then push the ball off. Then you are sure the ball will make it to the end of the lane. When we are picking up Fleur, we notice that she was really good with bowling. She threw a couple of strikes and some spares. All the other kids had scores between 45 and 80 point and Fleur had a score of 126 points. That is really great. She also told us that this was already the third time that she had won. After that they eat some chips and nuggets, and the birthday cake. Fleur is probably so hungry by now that she does eat some chips. It was a really nice party.
This morning we go swimming again and after that we go to Bart, Jennefer, Lars and Noor. Because we went swimming first, we arrive a little bit later. We really have a great time again and the kids are playing nicely together. We can still sit outside and that is fun because there are a lot of beautiful birds in their garden. And that is a lot of fun to watch. It was a busy but nice weekend.
Vanmorgen gaan we eerst weer even zwemmen en daarna hebben we afgesproken bij Bart, Jennefer, Lars en Noor. Omdat we eerst nog zijn gaan zwemmen, zijn we wel iets later dan afgesproken. Het is weer heel erg gezellig en de kinderen spelen heerlijk samen. We kunnen ook nog even buiten zitten en dat is ook fijn want er komen heel veel mooie vogels bij hun in de tuin. En dat is heel erg leuk om te zien. Het was een druk maar gezellig weekend.
Fleur has a lot of little spots in here mouth that hurt really bad. Yesterday morning we decided to go to the doctor with her. Because we did not like the doctor we had, we go to another one. They say she is really nice, but you cannot make an appointment and this Saturday morning we have to wait for almost an hour. The spots area sort of ulcers, and she has a lot of them. She gets a medicine that she has to hold in her mouth for a while before she can swallow it. The first time is a big drama because everything she eats or drinks hurts. But after that she has something that takes her mind of that because she is going to Katelyn’s birthday party. It is a bowling party. The presents are opened when you arrive and when everyone is there, they all go to a special room to put on the bowling shoes. In the meanwhile we are going to do some shopping. Erik is going back there once to check on Fleur and he sees her throwing a spare. That is really good. It is children’s bowling so the sides are closed and they have a thing where you can put the ball on, you have to aim it and then push the ball off. Then you are sure the ball will make it to the end of the lane. When we are picking up Fleur, we notice that she was really good with bowling. She threw a couple of strikes and some spares. All the other kids had scores between 45 and 80 point and Fleur had a score of 126 points. That is really great. She also told us that this was already the third time that she had won. After that they eat some chips and nuggets, and the birthday cake. Fleur is probably so hungry by now that she does eat some chips. It was a really nice party.
This morning we go swimming again and after that we go to Bart, Jennefer, Lars and Noor. Because we went swimming first, we arrive a little bit later. We really have a great time again and the kids are playing nicely together. We can still sit outside and that is fun because there are a lot of beautiful birds in their garden. And that is a lot of fun to watch. It was a busy but nice weekend.
01 april 2008
De schoolfotograaf komt vandaag / The school photographer is coming today
Vandaag komt de schoolfotograaf bij Fleur op school. Ik besluit om het haar van Fleur gewoon in twee vlechten te doen zoals we dat altijd doen. Dan ziet ze er tenminste hetzelfde uit als elke dag dat ze naar school gaat. Op school zien we heel veel kinderen die het haar ineens heel anders hebben dan normaal, speciaal voor die schoolfoto. Maar dat hoeft van mij nu ook weer niet want ik denk dat als ik moet kiezen of we een schoolfoto of een gewone foto (door ons gemaakt) van Fleur in de kamer neer gaan zetten, we toch zullen kiezen voor een zelfgemaakte foto met haar gewone kleren aan. Het rare is ook dat je vooraf voor de foto’s moet betalen en dus van tevoren al moet kiezen welk pakket met foto’s je wilt hebben. Dus als de foto heel lelijk blijkt te zijn, heb je gewoon pech. Een beetje raar, maar ja we zullen wel zien hoe de foto’s zijn geworden. Ik ben benieuwd.
Today the school photographer will come to Fleur’s school. I decide to do her hair the same as always. So she will look the same as every day she goes to school. At school we notice that a lot of kids have their hair really different than on a normal day, so especially for the school pictures. But we do not do that because I think that if I have to choose between a school picture and a normal picture (one we made ourselves) to put up on the wall, I think we will choose the one we made ourselves on which she wears her own cloths. The strangest thing is also that you have to pay in advance for the pictures and that you have to choose which package of pictures you want. So when you do not like the picture, that will be just too bad. A little strange I think, but alright, we will see what the pictures look like. I am curious.
Today the school photographer will come to Fleur’s school. I decide to do her hair the same as always. So she will look the same as every day she goes to school. At school we notice that a lot of kids have their hair really different than on a normal day, so especially for the school pictures. But we do not do that because I think that if I have to choose between a school picture and a normal picture (one we made ourselves) to put up on the wall, I think we will choose the one we made ourselves on which she wears her own cloths. The strangest thing is also that you have to pay in advance for the pictures and that you have to choose which package of pictures you want. So when you do not like the picture, that will be just too bad. A little strange I think, but alright, we will see what the pictures look like. I am curious.
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