Het leek hier wel een ziekenboeg in huis. 
Dinsdagmorgen voelde Fleur zich weer niet zo lekker. Ik besloot om haar dan maar thuis te houden en dat was niet overbodig. ’s Middags had ze wat koorts en er zat niet echt puf in. Ze had ook veel hoofdpijn. Fleur en Daan hebben wel nog even buiten gespeeld samen want het was heerlijk weer. Fleur is buiten op een bedje in slaap gevallen en Daan binnen in de gang. Dat ging lekker. Fleur is vrijdag weer naar school gegaan, maar inmiddels was Erik sinds donderdag ook thuis omdat hij ook ziek was. Fleur heb ik een half uurtje eerder opgehaald van school omdat het niet meer ging, toch nog niet helemaal beter denk ik. Vrijdagavond werd ik ook ziek en zo gingen we een lekker weekendje in. Zaterdag heeft het de hele dag geregend. Dat doet een ziek mens ook geen goed. Erik voelde zich gelukkig ietsje beter en heeft nog even boodschappen gedaan. Maar helaas waren we zondag nog steeds niet beter. En het was nog wel vaderdag. Niet zo’n gezellige vaderdag dus. Fleur en Daan hebben Erik al wel de kadootjes gegeven. En om alles nog net iets erger te maken hadden we er in het weekend nog een probleempje bij. We hoorden zaterdagavond al een raar geluid in huis, maar we wisten niet wat dat was. Toen Erik ’s avonds laat nog even wat te drinken ging pakken in de keuken hoorde hij wat in de garage. Blijkt er een scheur in het plafond te zijn gekomen. Er was een dakpan verschoven en omdat het de hele dag had geregend, was er een heleboel water door het dak heen gekomen. Het plafond had het niet meer gehouden en was gescheurd. Het water liep dus lekker de garage in. Precies op de plek waar wij verhuisdozen met spullen van ons hebben staan. Konden we dus al onze dozen en nog wat andere spullen naar de kamer gaan verhuizen, midden in de nacht. En dat terwijl we allebei nog ziek waren ook. Gelukkig gaat het inmiddels wel weer beter met ons. Erik is vandaag weer naar het werk en Fleur is ook weer gewoon naar school sinds gisteren. We zijn nog wel erg verkouden, maar we komen er wel. Gelukkig komen er wat mooie dagen aan, dat geeft weer even moed.
It looked like sick bay here at home. Tuesday morning Fleur was not feeling well. I decided to keep her home and that was a good choice. In the afternoon she had a fever and was just lying on the sofa. She also had headaches all the time. Fleur and Daan did play outside for a little while because the weather was very nice. Fleur fell asleep outside on a bed and Daan fell asleep on the floor in the hallway. That was good. Fleur went back to school on Friday, but now Erik was at home since Thursday because he was sick too. And I picked up Fleur half an hour early because the day was too long for her, I think she was not completely better. Friday night I got sick as well and so that was a bad start of the weekend. Saturday it rained all day. That is not good when you feel sick. Erik was feeling a little bit better so he got some groceries. But unfortunately on Sunday we were still not better. And it was Father’s Day that day. So that was not a good Father’s Day. Fleur and Daan did give Erik his presents. And to make everything worse, we had another problem on the weekend. Saturday night we heard a strange sound in the house, but we did not know what it was. When Erik went to the kitchen around midnight to get a drink, he heard something in the garage. There was a big crack in the ceiling. One of the roof tiles was not in its place anymore and because it had rained all day, a lot of water had come through the roof. The ceiling was not strong enough to hold all the water and cracked. So all the water was leaking into the garage. Right on the spot where we still have some moving boxes with some stuff. We had to put all the boxes and some other stuff into another the room, in the middle of the night. And still the both of us were not feeling that well. Luckily it is going a lot better with us now. Erik went back to work today and Fleur went back to school yesterday. We still have a little bit of a cold, but we will get there. And lucky for us there will be some very nice days ahead, so that is good.

It looked like sick bay here at home. Tuesday morning Fleur was not feeling well. I decided to keep her home and that was a good choice. In the afternoon she had a fever and was just lying on the sofa. She also had headaches all the time. Fleur and Daan did play outside for a little while because the weather was very nice. Fleur fell asleep outside on a bed and Daan fell asleep on the floor in the hallway. That was good. Fleur went back to school on Friday, but now Erik was at home since Thursday because he was sick too. And I picked up Fleur half an hour early because the day was too long for her, I think she was not completely better. Friday night I got sick as well and so that was a bad start of the weekend. Saturday it rained all day. That is not good when you feel sick. Erik was feeling a little bit better so he got some groceries. But unfortunately on Sunday we were still not better. And it was Father’s Day that day. So that was not a good Father’s Day. Fleur and Daan did give Erik his presents. And to make everything worse, we had another problem on the weekend. Saturday night we heard a strange sound in the house, but we did not know what it was. When Erik went to the kitchen around midnight to get a drink, he heard something in the garage. There was a big crack in the ceiling. One of the roof tiles was not in its place anymore and because it had rained all day, a lot of water had come through the roof. The ceiling was not strong enough to hold all the water and cracked. So all the water was leaking into the garage. Right on the spot where we still have some moving boxes with some stuff. We had to put all the boxes and some other stuff into another the room, in the middle of the night. And still the both of us were not feeling that well. Luckily it is going a lot better with us now. Erik went back to work today and Fleur went back to school yesterday. We still have a little bit of a cold, but we will get there. And lucky for us there will be some very nice days ahead, so that is good.

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