Erik was vanmorgen al vroeg naar zijn werk vertrokken. Ik ben vroeg in de morgen met een slaperig hoofd naar de wc gegaan en bedacht me daar dat de buren ineens wel heel rare lampen met vreemd licht hadden aan de zijkant van het huis. Daarna de televisie aangezet zodat ik het nieuws alvast kon kijken. Daar hoorde ik dat er een duststorm over Sydney trok met stof vanuit de outback. Snel kleren aan en even buiten kijken. En ja hoor, het was dus geen rare verlichting bij de buren, maar allemaal oranje stof. De hele straat lijkt oranje gekleurd. Tegen de tijd dat ik buiten was (en het licht was hier) was de ergste stof al doorgewaaid naar het centrum van Sydney. Daarom is het op de foto van ons huis niet zo oranje als de foto die ik van internet heb gehaald van de Sydney Harbour Bridge. Maar toch wel even een leuk gezicht, en zo lijken het net foto’s van vroeger in sepia.
Erik had left for work very early this morning. I had to go to the toilet early in the morning, still half asleep and was thinking that our neighbours had very strange lights at the side of the house. Then I turned on the television so I could already watch the news. There I heard that there was a dust storm coming over Sydney, with dust from the outback. Quickly put on my clothes to have a look outside. And yes, it was not weird lights at the neighbours, but a lot of orange dust. The whole street looks to have an orange colour. By the time I went outside (and it was light here) most of the dust had already been blown to the centre of Sydney. That’s why the picture of our home is not as orange as the picture I got of the internet of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. But it still is nice to see, and the pictures look very old.
Erik had left for work very early this morning. I had to go to the toilet early in the morning, still half asleep and was thinking that our neighbours had very strange lights at the side of the house. Then I turned on the television so I could already watch the news. There I heard that there was a dust storm coming over Sydney, with dust from the outback. Quickly put on my clothes to have a look outside. And yes, it was not weird lights at the neighbours, but a lot of orange dust. The whole street looks to have an orange colour. By the time I went outside (and it was light here) most of the dust had already been blown to the centre of Sydney. That’s why the picture of our home is not as orange as the picture I got of the internet of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. But it still is nice to see, and the pictures look very old.
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