Vandaag zijn we naar Sydney geweest, Down Town om precies te zijn. Eerst met de auto naar het station in Seven Hills (10 minuten rijden) en dan met de trein naar het centrum. Het is echt makkelijk reizen zo en zeker niet duur want we betalen ongeveer $ 18,00 (dat is ongeveer € 11,00) voor twee volwassenen en een kind want Daan reist nog gratis. Het is dan nog ongeveer 50 minuten met de trein en dan ben je echt midden in Sydney. We gaan eerst even wat te eten en te drinken kopen op het station en lopen dan naar Hyde Park. Daar gaan we lekker in de schaduw wat eten en drinken en de kids kunnen even fijn spelen en rennen op het gras. Heerlijk relaxt dus. Daarna lopen we langs de Royal Botanic Gardens naar Mrs. Macquaries Point. Van daar kun je de Opera House en de Harbour Bridge al heel mooi zien liggen. Echt geweldig. Je kunt dan over een soort boulevard tussen het water en het park lopen naar de Opera House. Een heerlijk wandelingetje. Vlak bij de Opera House eten we even een ijsje en rusten nog even lekker uit in het gras. Je hebt mooi zicht op Farm Cove (een soort baai) en Port Jackson (hoort bij Sydney Harbour) met alle rondvaartboten, zeilboten en ook speedboten die leuke tochtjes maken. Daarna gaan we op zoek naar een leuk restaurantje om nog even wat te eten voor we weer naar de trein moeten lopen. We vinden een gezellig Italiaans restaurantje in The Rocks en na afloop dus nog een flinke wandeling naar het station waar we de trein naar Seven Hills kunnen nemen. Onderweg wordt Fleur nog bijna overreden door twee auto’s die zeker weten door rood licht zijn gereden want het stoplicht bij de voetgangersoversteekplaats stond op groen. Gelukkig zag ik de auto’s nog op tijd en reden ze op de tweede rijbaan waar we over moesten. Ik schreeuwde heel hard naar Fleur dat ze moest stoppen en gelukkig luisterde ze meteen. Ze schrok wel heel erg en was wel even goed in tranen. Maar ja, wij waren natuurlijk ook erg geschrokken. Gelukkig liep het allemaal goed af en kwamen we veilig bij het station aan. De treinreis terug was ook erg gezellig. Fleur en Daan vonden het in het donker rijden met de trein ook wel erg leuk. Al met al was het echt een geslaagd dagje uit. Even wat anders dan al die huizen kijken.
Today we went to Sydney, Down Town. First to Seven Hills station by car (about 10 minutes drive) and then the train to the city centre. Travelling like this is very easy and it is also very cheap because we paid about $ 18.00 (about € 11.00) for two adults and one child because Daan is still travelling for free. Then it is about 50 minutes by train and you will arrive in the centre of Sydney. At the station we bought something to eat and drink. When we got it all we walked to Hyde Park. There we sat down to eat and drink something and the kids could play and run around. It was very relaxing. After that we walk past the Royal Botanic Gardens to Mrs. Macquaries Point. From there you can see the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Really beautiful. From there you can walk to the Opera House. It is a nice walk. Close to the Opera House we sat down to eat an ice cream and rest a little. We had a nice view over Farm Cove (sort of a bay) and Port Jackson (part of Sydney Harbour) with all the harbour cruise ships, the sailing boats and also speed boats making nice tours. After that we start looking for a nice restaurant where we can have dinner. We end up in a little Italian restaurant in The Rocks and afterwards we take a long walk back to the station where we catch the train to Seven Hills. On our way to the station Fleur almost got run over by two cars which, for sure, ran trough a red light because our light was green. Luckily I saw the cars in time and they were on the second lane we had to pass. I yelled to Fleur that she had to stop and lucky for her she did. It was a big shock for her and she started to cry very hard. And we were also in shock. Fortunately everything was alright with the four of us and we arrived at the station safely. On our way back in the train Fleur and Daan had lots of fun riding the train in the dark. So, we had a lovely day out. Something else for a change.
Today we went to Sydney, Down Town. First to Seven Hills station by car (about 10 minutes drive) and then the train to the city centre. Travelling like this is very easy and it is also very cheap because we paid about $ 18.00 (about € 11.00) for two adults and one child because Daan is still travelling for free. Then it is about 50 minutes by train and you will arrive in the centre of Sydney. At the station we bought something to eat and drink. When we got it all we walked to Hyde Park. There we sat down to eat and drink something and the kids could play and run around. It was very relaxing. After that we walk past the Royal Botanic Gardens to Mrs. Macquaries Point. From there you can see the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Really beautiful. From there you can walk to the Opera House. It is a nice walk. Close to the Opera House we sat down to eat an ice cream and rest a little. We had a nice view over Farm Cove (sort of a bay) and Port Jackson (part of Sydney Harbour) with all the harbour cruise ships, the sailing boats and also speed boats making nice tours. After that we start looking for a nice restaurant where we can have dinner. We end up in a little Italian restaurant in The Rocks and afterwards we take a long walk back to the station where we catch the train to Seven Hills. On our way to the station Fleur almost got run over by two cars which, for sure, ran trough a red light because our light was green. Luckily I saw the cars in time and they were on the second lane we had to pass. I yelled to Fleur that she had to stop and lucky for her she did. It was a big shock for her and she started to cry very hard. And we were also in shock. Fortunately everything was alright with the four of us and we arrived at the station safely. On our way back in the train Fleur and Daan had lots of fun riding the train in the dark. So, we had a lovely day out. Something else for a change.
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