We zijn de laatste dagen weer langs wat huizen gereden en hebben vandaag ook nog een aantal inspecties (bezichtigingen met meerdere mensen tegelijk) gehad. Een van de huizen is erg mooi, heeft een zwembad, een ingebouwde barbecue en een overdekt terras, en de ligging is ook erg goed. Hier gaan we een application (aanvraag) voor indienen. Je moet heel erg veel gegevens invullen. Voor iedere volwassene die in het huis gaat wonen één formulier. Ze willen erg veel van je weten. Wat voor werk je doet en wat je gedaan hebt en welke huizen je al gehuurd hebt of dat je een koophuis hebt gehad. Ze willen overal contactpersonen met telefoonnummers van hebben. Ook willen ze van iedere volwassene twee referentie hebben (geen familieleden) die kunnen vertellen wat voor persoon je bent, of je betrouwbaar bent enzo. Dat valt dus allemaal niet mee, en dat voor een huurhuis. Nu is het afwachten want er zijn nog veel meer mensen die een application ingediend hebben. De makelaar gaat alle formulieren doorspelen naar de eigenaar(s) van het huis en die beslist uiteindelijk welke mensen er in zijn huis komen te wonen. Je hebt er zelf dus niet echt iets over te zeggen. Over een aantal dagen zullen we weten of we het huis mogen huren of niet. Duimen dus.
The last days we have been driving past some houses and today we also had some inspections (with more people). One of the houses is really nice, it has a pool, a built-in barbeque and an undercover terrace, and the location is also very good. We are going to fill in an application for this house. You have to fill in a lot of stuff. For every adult that is going to live in the house you have to fill in one form. They really want to know a lot about you. What kind of work you do and what you did, and what houses you already rented or if you were the owners of a house. And they want to have contacts names and phone numbers on all of these. And they want to have two references of each adult (not family members) who can tell them what kind of person you are, if you are reliable. That is a lot of work for a rental house. So now we are waiting because there are more people that filled in an application. The agent is going to give all the forms to the owner(s) of the house who are going to decide which of the people will live in their house. You actually have nothing to say about that. In a few days we will know if we are able to rent the house or not. So, keep your fingers crossed.
The last days we have been driving past some houses and today we also had some inspections (with more people). One of the houses is really nice, it has a pool, a built-in barbeque and an undercover terrace, and the location is also very good. We are going to fill in an application for this house. You have to fill in a lot of stuff. For every adult that is going to live in the house you have to fill in one form. They really want to know a lot about you. What kind of work you do and what you did, and what houses you already rented or if you were the owners of a house. And they want to have contacts names and phone numbers on all of these. And they want to have two references of each adult (not family members) who can tell them what kind of person you are, if you are reliable. That is a lot of work for a rental house. So now we are waiting because there are more people that filled in an application. The agent is going to give all the forms to the owner(s) of the house who are going to decide which of the people will live in their house. You actually have nothing to say about that. In a few days we will know if we are able to rent the house or not. So, keep your fingers crossed.
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