Katrina had gevraagd of we zin hadden om mee te gaan naar de film Horton hears a Who. De kerk waar zij naartoe gaat, draaide de film buiten op een groot scherm. Voorafgaand was er natuurlijk weer een sausage sizzle and activiteiten voor de kinderen. Fleur en Daan hebben een gipsen figuurtje geverfd, een koekje versierd en ze zijn geschminkt. Verder hebben ze gewoon nog lekker gespeeld tot het donker genoeg was om de film te draaien. We zaten gezellig met z’n allen op een paar kleden op het gras en de film was natuurlijk erg leuk. We hebben een fijne avond gehad.
Katrina had asked us if we wanted to see the movie Horton hears a Who. The church that she goes to, was showing that movie on a big screen outside. Before the movie started there was of course a sausage sizzle and a lot of activities for the children. Fleur and Daan painted plasters, decorated a cookie and got their faces painted. And they have just played until it was dark enough for the movie to start. We all sat on a couple of picnic blankets in the grass and the movie was of course a lot of fun. We had a great evening.
Katrina had asked us if we wanted to see the movie Horton hears a Who. The church that she goes to, was showing that movie on a big screen outside. Before the movie started there was of course a sausage sizzle and a lot of activities for the children. Fleur and Daan painted plasters, decorated a cookie and got their faces painted. And they have just played until it was dark enough for the movie to start. We all sat on a couple of picnic blankets in the grass and the movie was of course a lot of fun. We had a great evening.
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